About the report
The 2018 Sustainability Report of Nornickel Group (the “Report”) conforms to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, Comprehensive option, and is a report on the progress of compliance with the United Nations (UN) Global Compact principles that discloses the policy of MMC Norilsk Nickel (the “Company” or “Nornickel”) towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals up to 2030.
In producing the Report, the following documents were also used: GRI Mining and Metals Sector Supplement, Guidance on Social Responsibility ISO 26000:2010, Reference Performance Indicators of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), AccountAbility Standards AA1000SES (2015) and AA1000AP (2018).
The Company has been publishing annual non-financial reports since 2003.
The Report covers activities of the Norilsk Nickel Group (“Nornickel Group”), including MMC Norilsk Nickel and entities in the corporate structure.
102–48Information provided herein was collected via the corporate reporting framework and special information requests in line with the GRI requirements and with regard to the materiality analysis results. The Report contains updates of the data for previous years, which is indicated in the text.
Each year, the Company’s Report undergoes external assurance procedures, including independent professional assessment of the Report’s compliance with the GRI Standards and the RSPP public verification procedure.
As part of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development intergovernmental body (UNCTAD) from the Russian side, Nornickel is pilot-testing performance indicators quantifying companies’ contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Company’s Social Policy Department and a dedicated working group along with the key units supervised the preparation of the Report. The Report has also been approved by MMC Norilsk Nickel's Management Board and Board of Directors.
Other sources of information about the Nornickel Group:
- corporate website https://www.nornickel.ru/
- Nornickel’s ESG Strategy, ESG Databook https://www.nornickel.ru/investors/esg/
- annual reports at https://www.nornickel.ru/investors/reports-and-results/
- interactive version of the 2018 Sustainability Report at http://csr2018.nornik.ru/home/